Monday, December 10, 2007

Hunting season!!

Scott's first deer of hunting season. Dendish loves it when Scott brings home a dead dear!

Scott's second and third deer. He shot one from mom's front porch.

These are two coyotes in our back yard. We have heard Dendish call out to the coyotes several times, so we knew there were some near by. Scott took part of a deer carcass out behind or house, and set up his deer camera. This is what was on it


I forgot to take pictures of our Thanksgiving dinner, but here are some pictures of us spending time together!!

Devon is not too sure about his uncle Scott's weekend goatee!!

Scott loves to pick on his sister Chris, but she for sure can take care of herself!!


Uncle Todd and Nate Playing cornhole!


Michelle said...

That is awesome! Scott must be pretty excited about the deer this season! Thanks for sharing the Thanksgiving pictures. It looks like you all had a wonderful time. Scott sure looks different with his "weekend goatee".

lizzie said...

All I have to say is...IT'S ABOUT TIME:) really good job, I like the pics!!

Phillip D said...

Loved looking at your blog with all the great pics again. Miss you all.

Gayle said...

Congratulations on the deer!
Looks like you all had a fun time!
Sis E

Anonymous said...

great family get-to-gether..
Whoa...what about those coyotes...
I wouldn't like them in my backyard..
but I'm a scardy-cat...

Eric said...

It`s about time. WE have been waiting for these pics since....well...since...Thanksgiving!!! Congrats on the deer too.